WOMEN’S BODIES ON DIGITAL BATTLEGROUNDS: Networks of Information and Support by Pro-choice Activists in Latin America

The report Sexuality, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, and the Internet produced for Arrow by many women activists in Latin America includes a text about Safer Nudes! A Sexy Guide for Digital Security written by Natasha Felizi, Joana Varon, Fernanda Shirakawa and Raquel Rennó from Coding Rights (see page 36).

New publication on smart cities

Eletronika Festival just launched their ebook with many texts on city and tecnopolitics. Under the name Tecnopolíticas do Comum: artes, urbanismo e democracia  (available for download) the book gathers the contribution of participants of the festival´s 2015 edition. I´ve written the text Das Cidades Inteligentes às Cidades Criativas about smart cities and citizen initiatives. Thanks[…]