Ninth School of Internet Governance – a review

This post was also published on Public Knowledge´s blog The Ninth South School of Internet Governance took place at Fundação Getúlio Vargas in Rio de Janeiro during the first week of April 2017. Directed by Olga Cavalli and Adrian Carballo, SSIG aims to strengthen the representation of Latin American and Caribbean region where Internet Governance[…]

Medienimpulse book launch

The book MEDIENIMPULSE Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik 2014–2015 (ISBN: 978-3-7003-1959-7 ) with my text  Activism in Brazil  – Hacker spaces as spaces of resistance and free education will be launched on 18th January at WienXtra in 1070 Viena, Zieglergase 49/II The book is available here

IGF – Smart cities in the global south challenges/opportunities

I´ve coordinated with Paz Peña the 188 workshop session at IGF 2016 intitled Smart Cities in the Global South – challenges and opportunities with the speakers: Olga Cavalli (ITU), Amber Sinha (Center for Internet and Society), Catherine Garcia (Hague University), Victor Larios Rosillo (University of Guadalajara) and Romina Garrido (Datos Protegidos) Description of the session:[…]

Participación en el simposio Lavits

En el IV Simposio Internacional Lavits coordino una mesa y presento la investigación que estoy haciendo en la pasantía en Derechos Digitales – Chile, juntamente con Coding Rights, comparando los casos de smart transportation en Santiago y Rio de Janeiro. ¿Nuevos paradigmas de vigilancia? Miradas desde América Latina 21-23 de noviembre de 2016, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina[…]


Abrelatam/Condatos happened in Bogotá and it was a great opportunity to meet people and discuss projects about Open Data in academia, government and its challenges to privacy, standards and possibilities for a broader use.